A thought

For this period of life 2017-2019:

Universe owe you nothing.

Try your best, but do not expect that just because you try really hard, things will work out. If it does, great! If it doesn’t, well be sad a bit and move on. If it’s meant to be, it will be. If not, no power on earth can change it…

Embrace the little things. Appreciate even the worst emotions. Do not suppress. Just accept and give in, in solitary. Have the time to recollect yourself and step out, again.

It’s all part of a great lesson. Each person you meet or each event that comes your way is meant to teach you a lesson. Same shit will happen over and over again until you “get it right” – your attitude, your perspective, your behavior, habits, actions. Next lessons will come. No reset button. But everyday, if you can still wake up walking, you are still in the game, there is still a fighting chance to do things a certain way, do what you want, do it well.

Sometimes a single tiny dot of chance is all that matters. Sometimes, all the mental strength is in a single thought. A thought can propel you forward. A thought can also push you off the cliff, falling. But in any case, it is still within personal choice to cling onto which. And that choice, so cliche, but it will define and continuously shape you and your path.

I do not know what will happen tomorrow, but I can reasonably expect that I will find reasons to laugh.

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